11 responses

  1. How wonderful! That was a terrific Public Service Announcement for your "new mom" readers. You are so thoughtful to include that!


  2. That is the funniest thing I have seen in a while!
    The sad thing is that there are probably some people out there who couldn't benefit from that, lol!

  3. You know…. I don't remember these from the "What to expect the first year" book….I kinda wish they had been in there so we wouldn't have done the….J/K!

    LOL 😀 Those were hysterical!

    BTW- I was a McNulty before marriage and we celebrate St. Patty's day each year with a big dinner. I LOVED the pics!! It's the only time in So-Cal that I can feel proud of my non-tanning freckled skin! My husband and son have Cherokee in them so they are bronze beautifully, while my daughter and I turn red and blister {:-O But hey it's all good!

  4. I see this way too late. My youngest is 10. Where was this when Miss Language was a baby & I was checking Dr Spock for instructions??

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