2 responses

  1. Hi Linda,
    My daughter-in-law sent me a link to your website that she found through Pinterest. She sent it because our stories are so similar. I, too, am a Christian, married 34 years to the man of my dreams, homeschooled my 3 kids, and diagnosed with ovarian cancer, stage 3 in Feb. 2012 at age 52. I looked around at your site and the Caringbridge link and saw that you had the IP chemo, too. (18 weeks, Cisplatin and Taxol in abdomen and Taxol through IV port) I finished a year ago this July 29th. My CA 125’s continue to be low, thank the Lord. God was SO good to me, too, meeting me so intimately and so powerfully at some of my lowest points. The body of Christ and my family were amazing and God taught me so much about sacrificial serving through them. I am certain you can relate.

    I just wanted to say hello to a sister who shares so much in common with me. I will be checking in on your website as time allows.

    The Lord is the strength of OUR life!! Psalm 27:1

    • Dear Jean,
      Thank you SOOO much for stopping by and for leaving this comment! Our stories are remarkably similar! And indeed, the commonality does create an instantaneous bond, doesn’t it?

      I was only able to tolerate the IP chemo (cisplatin, taxol, and taxotere) for 3 cycles (nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and neuropathy made continuing with IP not an option)…switched to IV Carboplatin and Taxotere for the last 3 cycles. I was diagnosed stage 3, but what my oncologist called a “best case” stage 3. CA 125 levels were normal from my 2nd treatment on. We are very hopeful, very thankful, but also very aware of the unknowns that lie ahead. But He was so incredibly faithful during the last 6 months! I’ve been listening to this song over and over the last few days…I feel like it tells the story of the last 6 months! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1bXG4WIesA

      I’m so glad your daughter-in-law sent you my way! Is she a homeschooler, too? I think she maybe found the link to my blog via the 2:1 Conference (homeschool bloggers) speaker’s Pinterest board. I’ll be speaking there in the spring so they’ve been linking my blog posts…now that I’m blogging again!

      God bless! I’ll be praying for your continued health!!


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