Who Am I??

I’m a traditionalist. 

I have always loved the "idea" of unschooling.  I have always loved the "idea" of unit studies.  But that’s not me. 

For 17 years, a battle has raged within this tortured mind of mine.  For 17 years, my "inner classroom teacher" has kept my "inner free spirit" firmly in check.  I need to be me. 

I’m convinced I was born a teacher.  My dolls and stuffed animals could read by the time they were two. 
I was trained as a teacher.  I practiced as a teacher.  And you know what…I love being a teacher.  I love school desks, chalkboards and worksheets.  I love following a lesson plan and I love giving grades.  I am a homeschool veteran.  I have been homeschooling for 17 years.  I have graduated 2 "success stories".  I’m a "good" teacher and a "good" homeschooler.  Doggone it….I know what I’m doing!! 

So why do I sometimes feel insecure?  Why do I second guess myself and my decisions?  Why have I struggled on and off with my inner battle? 
I think it’s because I know that there are people out there that don’t approve of my approach.  I think it’s knowing that someone else thinks their way is better. 

But when I stop and think about it, don’t I do the same thing?  Haven’t I done it my way for 17 years because I know it’s the best way?  Do I judge others for their homeschooling choices?  Do I make others feel insecure?  Or do I just accept? 

I am who I am. 

You are who you are. 

And that SHOULD be okay.

3 responses

  1. I love the idea of unschooling, too! I get the theory, I have days where that's close to what we do and it works, but… LOL!
    We do all need to do what works for each of us! =D

  2. If I had your track record, I wouldn’t be second guessing my efforts. I’d be writing a book about them. Reflection keeps us honest, but don’t let honest reassessment become unproductive worry.

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