…And with His Wounds

I had good news this week. My CA-125 is “stable”. After months of uncertainty, we can say with a certain degree of confidence that my cancer–at least for now–is still in remission.

And With His Wounds - The Joyful Journey

Though I am incredibly grateful for this good news, I am also humbled by it. Sometimes it seems that cancer is all around me. I am continually aware of so many people–godly people–who are battling this horrible disease, and who receive very little good news over the course of their battles.

The last year has made me so incredibly grateful for every single day of life that the Lord blesses me with. Though I pray for physical healing, I do not expect it.

How can I when so many around me do not receive the physical healing that they pray for? Am I more deserving of life than they are? Am I more spiritual…more godly?

We simply cannot know the mind of our God. His ways are above our ways. His thoughts beyond our thoughts (Is.55:8-9). But His promises are trustworthy. I may not know what tomorrow holds, or the day after that. But my future is certain. I know that when my life on earth is over, I will be healed. His Word promises that “…with His wounds we ARE healed.” I no longer bear the penalty of my sin. I will spend eternity with my Savior. There is no greater healing.

My healing has already been accomplished. Praise God!

I am thankful for Monday’s good news. And I will continue to pray that my cancer will not return. But I will also pray for His will. And for the grace to accept whatever comes my way!

No guilt in life, no fear in death—
This is the pow’r of Christ in me;
From life’s first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No pow’r of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home—
Here in the pow’r of Christ I’ll stand.

–From “In Christ Alone” (Words and Music by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend)

5 responses

  1. How thankful we ARE that Jesus, even though we, like sheep, have gone astray and gone our own way, the Lord laid on Him my sin, and now He heals us, forgives us, and we are His. He knows us by name. The wonder of it all – and I praise Him for you, my precious Linda, that by His wounds you have been healed, and that you are a woman who praises Him for all He has done, and will continue to do for you and in you. You are His beloved daughter, as you are mine. I love you.

  2. I once wrote about my daughter that every morning proof that God hears our prayers and answers them walks into the kitchen and asks for breakfast. Are you starting to get a similar feeling every time you look in the mirror? The mundane things like brushing your teeth take on an entirely new meaning when you’re still here to do them. If you keep asking the questions, “Am I more deserving of life than they are? Am I more spiritual…more godly?” you will drive yourself crazy. My friend, you can’t afford to get any closer to crazy than you already are. We watched several parents run out of PICU sobbing because their child just died while ours clung to life. While my heart broke for them, I refused to ask “why?” Why you? Why not you? It’s God’s plan. It’s God’s design on His timeline. Pray that you are blessed to realize His plan for you while it is happening. 

    • “My friend, you can’t afford to get any closer to crazy than you already are.” How true!

      And thanks for this timely reminder. I have been struggling with feeling like it’s not “fair” that I get good news while others don’t. But at the same time, I’m reallythankful for that because it keeps me remembering that my life is HIS! He is the reason I’m still here. It’s that simple. NONE of us is “deserving” of the life that he grants us. We are all here by His grace!!

      Thanks friend…I appreciate your wisdom. ← And you should relish this. You probably don’t hear it often. (grin)

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